Yakup Özkardes-Cheung, Founder & CEO, Content AI Tools

Yakup Özkardes-Cheung is Founder and CEO of Content AI Tools and author of the book: Content AI: Save time, money and 10X your marketing impact with AI. Yakup worked for different media companies before he became a content manager and started leveraging his own time with AI tools. The idea of Content AI Tools was born when he realized that there is no other publication that focuses on this niche.


What is Deep Fake Technology and How it Can Help You Save Time?

Deep Fake technology is revolutionizing the way we create videos. It enables us to quickly and easily create realistic-looking videos that look like they were shot by a professional. With Deep Fake technology, you can save time and money by creating deep fake videos without the need for expensive equipment or editing software. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many businesses using it to create high-quality videos in a fraction of the time it would take to produce them traditionally. With deep fake technology, you can quickly and easily generate content that looks just as good as if it was created by a professional video editor.

Deep Fake the word itself is a combination of Deep Learning, which is a category of machine learning, and the word fake. Within the media, deep fake has a negative connotation and is often times also refereed with misuse of these software tools. A more neutral name that is also used very often is called synthetic media, which makes clear that the content is produced in synthetic ways.

Deep Fakes as a Tool to Create Engaging Product Videos

Product video creators can use deep fakes to make their videos look more realistic and engaging. They can use deep fakes to add special effects, transitions, and other elements that will make the video stand out from the competition. By using deep fakes, product video makers can create high-quality videos at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods. Deep Fakes also provide an easy way for product video creators to quickly generate content for their products without having to spend too much time or money on production costs. With deep fakes, it’s possible to quickly generate engaging product videos with minimal effort and cost.

Things that you can use Deep Fake videos for:

  • Product or service demos: Specially very good for physical products from your shop or even services that you offer for clients work very well. You can upload pictures and videos and run them in the background.
  • Tutorial videos: Explainer type of videos where a person is speaking directly into the camera and speaking about a topic work very well with deep fake tools.
  • Presentations: If you have standard presentations that you already gave a couple of times, than you can use your slides and upload them on deep fake tools and let the avatar explain the rest.

The limitations of Deep Fake:

  • Live Interaction is not possible through Deep Fake. If you create Live Broadcasts on Facebook or LinkedIn, you should do this yourself in front of the camera. An AI can’t interact with your community and answer questions that are coming from the audience.
  • Creative Storytelling: If you expect an emotional video for a video blogger on YouTube, then you will be disappointed. This is still something that we need video editors for who work more intense on videos.

Time-Saving Tips for Creating Tutorial Videos Using Deep Fakes

Creating tutorial videos is a great way to share knowledge and help others learn. However, it can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, with the help of deep fakes, creating tutorial videos has become much easier and faster. Deep fakes are artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can be used to create realistic-looking video tutorials in no time at all. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for creating tutorial videos using deep fakes that will save you time and effort!

How to Get Started with Creating Deep Fake Videos?

If you’re interested in creating your own deepfake video, there are plenty of tools available online that can help you get started. Colossyan is one such tool that allows users to generate 5 minutes of video material for free. I tested several deep fake tools so far and had the best quality so far with Colossyan.

You can also find other tools online that allow you to create deepfake videos without any cost or with a small fee. These tools make it easy for anyone to get started with creating their own deepfakes. So, if you’re looking for an interesting way to express yourself creatively, then why not give it a try?

More important than the tool is the own mindset

The mindset of the user is more important than the tool they are using. Tools are only as effective as the user’s ability to use them correctly and efficiently. Having a positive attitude, an open mind, and an eagerness to learn are all essential components to making the most of these deep fake tools. So, therefore, always start with your employees and train them to use these tools! Combining the human intelligence with Artificial Intelligence is the key to the most impactful team in this century!

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