Jesu Sebastian, Founder and CEO, By Jesu Sebastian Ltd

Jesu Sebastian, BEng (Hons), is an Inventor, Designer, Founder, and CEO of By Jesu Sebastian Ltd. In 1999, Jesu qualified in Aeronautical Engineering at Salford University, Manchester, and has since spent fifteen years working as a financier for his own company in London where he is currently based. Jesu enjoys designing and developing small ideas into greater, practical, and aesthetically pleasing products. He believes in turning ideas into reality. Jesu Sebastian now revolves his life around managing and fully financing his own By Jesu Sebastian® products. Jesu Sebastian’s inventions are mainly in the field indicated by the Jesu Sebastian Trademark.


Space, often regarded as the final frontier, is becoming increasingly cluttered with debris, raising concerns about the growing problem of space junk. As humans continue to explore and exploit outer space, the accumulation of defunct satellites, discarded rocket stages, and other remnants of human space activities poses a serious threat to future space missions and even life on Earth. In this article, we will delve into the issue of space junk, its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

What is Space Junk?

Space junk, also known as orbital debris, refers to the vast amount of man-made objects that orbit our planet, but no longer serve any useful purpose. These objects range from derelict spacecraft and spent rocket stages to fragments from past collisions. As of 2022, there were an estimated 3,300 active satellites in orbit, dwarfed by the more than 3,000 tons of defunct satellites and debris. According to NASA, there are approximately 500,000 marble-sized debris objects in Earth’s orbit and an estimated 100 million objects of one millimetre or smaller. How can we keep low Earth orbit safe and usable for future generations?

Causes of Space Junk:

Launching Satellites: Every satellite launch adds to the congestion in space, as rocket stages and discarded components are left in orbit. Collisions and Fragmentation: Even tiny objects in orbit can cause catastrophic collisions, generating even more fragments. Lack of Cleanup: Unlike other forms of pollution, there are no international regulations requiring the cleanup of space debris.

Consequences of Space Junk:

The proliferation of space junk has serious consequences, including Threat to Active Satellites: Space junk can collide with operational satellites, disrupting critical services like communications and weather monitoring. Increased Collision Risk: As the number of objects in orbit grows, so does the likelihood of collisions, creating a dangerous environment for spacecraft and astronauts. Long-Term Impact: The accumulation of space junk could make certain orbits unusable, hindering future space exploration and potentially rendering some regions of space inaccessible.

Mitigating the Space Junk Problem:

Efforts are being made to address the space junk issue, including  Active Debris Removal: Concepts like robotic spacecraft equipped with nets, harpoons, or lasers are being developed to capture and deorbit defunct satellites. Mitigation Measures: New guidelines for satellite design and operational practices aim to reduce the creation of space junk. International Cooperation: Spacefaring nations are discussing collaborative approaches to tackle space debris.


Space junk is a growing problem that threatens the sustainability of activities in outer space. As the world relies increasingly on space-based technologies, addressing the issue of space debris becomes crucial. International cooperation, technological innovation, and responsible space practices are essential to ensure a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations. Failure to do so could lead to a cascade of collisions, rendering Earth’s orbits treacherous and jeopardising our access to the cosmos.

How can we keep low Earth orbit safe and usable for future generations?

Designing a rocket to collect space junk is a complex engineering task. Here are some key steps to consider:

Keep in mind that space junk collection is a challenging endeavor, and it requires significant expertise in aerospace engineering, robotics, and space operations. Collaborating with experts and organisations in the field can be beneficial.

Space junk refers to defunct, non-functional objects in Earth’s orbit, including old satellites, spent rocket stages, fragments from disintegration, and other debris. There are thousands of objects in space, ranging from large defunct satellites to smaller fragments.

Objects in space have various shapes and compositions, from satellites with specific designs to fragments of broken satellites. They can be metallic, composite, or a combination of materials.

The characteristics of their orbits vary widely. Orbits are described by parameters like semi-major axis (average distance from Earth), eccentricity (shape of the orbit), and inclination (tilt relative to the equator). Space debris can have a broad range of orbital characteristics due to their diverse origins and histories.

We have advanced tracking systems that provide precise information about the current orbits of objects in space. However, predicting exact future orbits becomes challenging due to factors like atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, and gravitational perturbations from various celestial bodies.

While short-term predictions are relatively accurate, long-term predictions have increased uncertainty. Continuous tracking and monitoring are essential for refining predictions over time. Organisations like NASA track objects in space and efforts are made to minimise the risks of collisions by adjusting the orbits of satellites and space debris when necessary.

To keep low Earth orbit safe, we need stricter regulations, advanced debris removal technologies, improved tracking, international cooperation, and public awareness efforts. These measures will help manage and reduce space debris, ensuring sustainable space use for future generations.

Preparing the next generation for careers in aerospace engineering requires a multifaceted approach focused on education, hands-on experience, and fostering a passion for innovation. By integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs into early education, we can build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills. Partnering with aerospace industries and institutions for internships and mentorship programs allows students to gain real-world experience and insights. Encouraging participation in projects and competitions, such as robotics or model rocketry, can inspire creativity and problem-solving abilities. By nurturing curiosity and providing robust educational resources, we can empower young minds to drive aerospace advancements that benefit humanity.

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