Andrea Zanon, Co-Founder, Confidente

Andrea Zanon is a charismatic Italian entrepreneur and founder of Confidente, dedicated to transforming the lives of entrepreneurs and leaders in the food, fashion, and lifestyle industries. With over 20 years of experience and a focus on partnership building, revenue acceleration, and emotional intelligence, he empowers ambitious individuals and women entrepreneurs to create lasting success and fulfillment.


The robots have arrived. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming our world at an unprecedented pace, automating tasks we once thought was irreplaceable. Even if you are not aware, many of the everyday tasks that are being performed from medical diagnostics to customer service, security surveillance, efficient irrigation, and buying and selling stock are already being performed by AI power systems, and this is both exciting and a little bit unnerving.

If you’re feeling a bit uneasy about it all, you’re not alone. The rise of AI raises questions about job security, the nature of work, and our place in this rapidly evolving marketplace. However, I am a strong believer that withing these challenges lies an incredible opportunity for people centric professionals.

This is our time to shine as emotional leaders. As machines handle more tasks, analyze more data, we get to focus on what truly makes us human: our emotional intelligence (EQ). Think of EQ as your superpower, your secret tool to become a market leader in this new economy. To simplify the definition of EQ, think of it as the ability to understand, use, and manage your own and other people emotions in positive ways to achieve your goals, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and avoid or resolve conflict. It’s about building impactful connections, inspiring teams, and making decisions that have long term positive impacts.

The Italian Edge: A Blend of Passion & Practicality

Being Italian, I understand the power of emotional connection. We’re a culture that values family, community, and building a strong social fabric even when there is no financial gain. We take long meals with loved ones, we host and cook for others celebrating traditions, and cherish small talks. But we’re also Master of Design, innovation, lifestyle, and finding elegant solutions. Think of Ferrari, Versace or Luxottica as these are just a few examples of our passion for beauty, creativity, and ingenuity.

This unique blend of passion and practicality, something I grew up with, is, in my opinion, the key to thriving in this AI-powered world where tech and digitalizing becomes a key driver for economic development and competitiveness.

Believe me, I started out as a shy kid who struggled to connect with others. I avoided public speaking at all costs, I never shook hands and rarely talk to others at birthday parties. But through the slow and progressive investment on my EQ, I discovered my potential to lead, influence, and inspire while building trust with people of all kind.

Your Emotional Intelligence Superpowers

Here’s how cultivating your EQ can transform your life and career:

  • Become an Influencer: Learn to communicate with passion and purpose. Not just online but also in public. Network strategically by organizing Aperitivos (pre-meal social light drink and snack) to build genuine relationships and become the person everyone wants to talk to. Remember, even a simple gesture like a warm handshake or a thank you card can leave a lasting impression.
  • Navigate the Emotional Landscape: Become an expert at understanding human emotions – both your own and those of others. Learn to read the room, be an active listener, and use silence to your advantage. Sometimes the most powerful words are the ones left unspoken.
  • Prioritize Like a Pro: In a world of endless distractions, and artificial deadlines focus on the everyday steps that helps you accomplish your own goals. Set clear objectives, delegate tasks, and avoid micromanaging. Empower your team and create a culture of trust and collaboration. Celebrate other’s wins as this is how you win most.
  • Build Your ‘Human’ Brand: Let your personality shine. In a world of automation, your unique personality traits, passions, and imperfections will make you stick out. Be authentic, be yourself, and don’t be afraid to show your emotions and vulnerabilities.
  • Embrace the Italian Mindset: Cultivate a lifestyle that values beauty, style, and longevity. When you look good you are most likely going to feel good. And people will notice it and seek your advice. Take care of your physical and mental health, “Never Eat Alone” (from the title of the great book published by Keith Ferrazzi), and don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way!

Ready to Succeed in the AI Era?

The AI revolution is here, but it’s not about replacing us. It’s about amplifying our human potential. By embracing our emotions, honing our interpersonal skills, and cultivating our unique strengths, we can not only survive but thrive in this exciting new era.

In this new world with more speed, digital ‘efficiency’ and geopolitical uncertainty, people and corporations will be looking to leaders who can remain grounded, can listen well, and can influence decision in the now ultra connected marketplace. Self-awareness, technology knowhow, and the ability to connect and inspire will be the game changer.

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