Tara Mogan, Founder & Owner, iMarketeur & Co-Owner, e-Beach Wagon

Tara Mogan is a marketing trailblazer with a 22-year career marked by relentless drive and leadership, earning her promotions in every role. With 14 years in home improvement, Tara has collaborated with Fortune 500 companies and small businesses, showcasing her strategic acumen. She was pivotal in Horizon Group Holdings’ growth, overseeing marketing for 12 companies and driving expansion across eight states. Tara’s expertise spans integrated marketing, private equity, and successful company sales. She has partnered with Walgreens, Coca-Cola, and Window Nation and co-owns e-Beach Wagon.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with CXO Outlook Magazine, Tara shared her professional trajectory, the inspiration behind establishing iMarketeur & e-Beach Wagon, insights on gender equality and inclusion in the marketing industry, the secret mantra behind her success, future plans, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Hi Tara. What inspired you to pursue a career in marketing? How did you get your start in this industry?

I began my journey as a business major with aspirations of opening a cultural restaurant. However, a black-and-white photography course shifted my perspective entirely, leading me to change my major to visual communications. My career started as a commercial photographer for a retail pharmacy chain. As my career progressed, I transitioned into a marketing firm, where I managed the second-largest account, overseeing two Coca-Cola subsidiaries, FUZE Beverage and NOS Energy. While I enjoyed the creative aspects of the job, I discovered my true passion in management and strategy. With 22 years of experience in the marketing industry, including 14 years in the home improvement sector, I became a leading expert when I joined Horizon Services. Today, Horizon Services is one of the top HVAC and plumbing companies in the United States, now owned by the private equity firm New Mountain Capital.

What was the inspiration behind establishing iMarketeur & e-Beach Wagon? What sets them apart from other market competitors?

In November 2019, Sun Capital Partners sold Horizon Services to New Mountain Capital. A month later, I had my first child, Miles, and took maternity leave. As a dedicated workaholic, I initially planned to return after my leave. However, spending time with my son profoundly changed my perspective, leading me to venture into the consulting world to balance time with my family while remaining active in my industry. I contacted my network and quickly onboarded six companies within a month.

In October 2020, my husband founded e-Beach Wagon with my full support and backing. The concept was to create a revolutionary electric motorized beach wagon. While a similar product existed, we saw significant areas for improvement. After extensive research and development, we launched a product that stood out in the market.

What sets iMarketeur apart from competitors?

At iMarketeur, clients benefit from my extensive experience at a fraction of the cost of having a CMO on their team. I integrate seamlessly as an extension of their team, providing honest and transparent feedback to identify and address gaps in their processes. While building relationships is crucial, my approach focuses on identifying and fixing pain points to improve business efficiency rather than relying on outdated methods.

What sets e-Beach Wagon apart from competitors?

Over 500 hours were dedicated to engineering and product development for e-Beach Wagon. This project was a collaborative effort involving my husband, myself, an engineering firm, and a product development firm. We invested significant time and money upfront to ensure the product’s quality and durability. Additionally, we hold two design patents for e-Beach Wagon, underscoring our commitment to innovation and excellence.

How do you approach the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and emerging technologies such as AI?

Embracing both digital marketing and AI is essential. Without a digital presence, growing a business would require outdated methods like door-to-door marketing. Digital technology has transformed the marketing landscape, making an online presence indispensable for visibility and growth.

AI is particularly fascinating, and I have integrated it into both iMarketeur and e-Beach Wagon. My personal preference is ChatGPT. AI tools are utilized for various functions, including social media content, radio and TV scripting, SEO, press releases, etc. For example, we used AI to tailor scripting with a recent client based on how a call center agent interacted with potential clients. This level of customization and efficiency highlights the transformative potential of AI in enhancing marketing strategies and operations.

What metrics do you measure to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing investments?

The metrics for gauging marketing effectiveness vary depending on the client and product. The first step is understanding the company’s goals: Are they looking to build brand awareness and increase impression share? Do they aim to dominate a market and boost market share? Or are they seeking more website visits that translate into sales? Each goal requires a tailored approach.

When I first meet with a client, the ultimate objective is typically to drive more revenue. From there, we identify what is needed—enhancing brand awareness, diversifying the marketing plan, understanding the customer demographic and competitive landscape, and analyzing current marketing initiatives. We then build a go-to-market strategy based on these insights and the current market landscape. This strategic approach ensures that we align our efforts with the client’s specific goals, leading to measurable and impactful results.

What are your thoughts on gender equality and inclusion? Do you think there is a gender bias in your industry?

I strongly believe in gender equality and inclusion, especially as a home improvement marketer in a predominantly male-dominated industry. Climbing the ranks and being heard was challenging, as I often found myself in rooms with older gentlemen set in their ways. While many were great leaders with remarkable vision, they were not always receptive to a woman’s perspective on running their business. Some were open and coachable, while others were not.

With extensive experience backing my success, I can now identify the types of clients who will thrive with iMarketeur. Strong leadership is essential for a company’s success, regardless of gender, and without the right team in place, success will falter. Often, individuals are promoted due to seniority or experience, but not everyone can lead or manage people effectively. I now have the flexibility to choose clients who show potential.

My husband is my partner at e-Beach Wagon, and while we don’t always agree, we challenge each other to make the business the best it can be. He recognizes my capabilities, so while there are debates, we ultimately work towards the same goal.

You were recently recognized as one of The Top 50 Women Leaders of Philadelphia for 2024. Our readers would love to know the secret sauce behind your success.

Being recognized as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Philadelphia for 2024 was an incredible honor. I’m immensely pleased with where I am today. The secret sauce behind my success lies in my personality, knowledge, relentless drive, and ambition to succeed. I desire to solve problems and continuously learn in this ever-changing marketing world.

I’ve dedicated much time to building myself into who I am today. I chose to have children later in life to ensure I could achieve my professional goals and provide a stable future for my family. This decision has granted me more time with my children and flexibility for a stronger family foundation.

Success starts with drive and ambition. As the saying goes, “Sleep when you’re dead.” It’s also crucial to build a capable team around you, avoid letting your ego get in the way, and surround yourself with people smarter than you. Mentoring and empowering others to take the reins, rather than just executing tasks, is vital. My strong personality has been a significant asset, propelling me to where I am today.

Is there a particular person you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are?

Many people have inspired, motivated, and challenged me to become who I am today. I am very much my father’s child in terms of personality—my mother and husband, however, are my rocks and my biggest motivators. The home improvement industry, where I truly cut my teeth, provided the most significant learning experiences. The leaders in this field were the most challenging, but it was here that I learned and flourished the most despite the difficulties. I can smile about it now, but one day, I might write a book about all these experiences under a different alias.

What does the term “authentic leadership” mean to you?

To me, authentic leadership means being true to yourself and others. It involves not settling or putting up a facade but acting consistently with your values. There’s too much to achieve in the business world to waste time on drama. I lead with transparency, whether the news is good or bad, and I’m honest with my opinions. While relationships are crucial, I don’t work to build friendships; I work to make companies successful. Money follows success. I’ve seen many leaders who are not true to themselves and then wonder why those around them don’t trust or follow them. Authentic leadership fosters trust and loyalty, essential for any team’s success.

What are some of your passions outside of work? What do you like to do in your time off?

Outside of work, I have a variety of passions that keep me engaged and energized. I love hitting the beach, especially in Cape May and Wildwood. Swimming and belting out karaoke tunes are other favorite activities. Another favorite pastime is international travel and exploring the country through RV camping adventures with my husband, Yorkie, son, and daughter. I’m also passionate about photography, staying fit, indulging in culinary experiences, and visiting wineries.

What is your biggest goal? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

My goals are ever-changing. Currently, I’m getting certified in both SEM and social media marketing. I’ve seen the significant impact a viral social post can have on a brand, and I love understanding the algorithms and what makes content go viral.

Other goals include continuing to build and elevate e-Beach Wagon. In the following year, we’re launching a new product outside of e-Beach Wagon that will revolutionize the beach industry.

On a personal level, I aim to continue building a solid foundation for my children, giving them the best childhood possible. Additionally, I want to improve my culinary skills, which my husband has patiently endured for many years due to my work commitments.

In five years, I see myself leading successful ventures professionally and personally and creating lasting impacts in the marketing and beach industries.

What advice would you give to somebody who is considering entering the field of marketing or has just entered the field?

Learn as much as possible, and don’t view your job as just a 9 to 5 commitment. Put in the extra time and effort. Network with as many people as possible and demonstrate your value to your team and company. Ambition is crucial at the beginning of your career. You never know when your paths will cross again with your network, so don’t burn bridges. If issues arise, address them with your manager rather than jumping to the next opportunity. Find a job and manager that aligns well with your personality and skill set.

I’ve noticed that many new employees don’t put in the necessary time, give up easily, show little care for their jobs, and often ask for raises without earning them. They tend to move from job to job quickly, have inflated egos, think they know everything and are not open to coaching or continuous learning. Internships provide invaluable experience and should be embraced and diversified rather than repeating the same type of internship.

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