Iqbal Amiri, President & CEO, AMIRI Wealth Management Inc.

Iqbal Amiri is a multifaceted individual whose diverse experiences have shaped him into a Speaker, Author, Explorer, Mediator, Counselor, Confidant, and Consultant. With over three decades dedicated to the fields of wealth advisory, Iqbal has established himself as a reputable figure, embodying roles that extend beyond professional titles. An avid proponent of lifelong learning, his educational journey spans various prestigious institutions, including Simon Fraser University, the Ivey Executive Program in London Ontario, PON at Harvard Law, and Communications program at University of Cambridge. Iqbal is a strong advocate of diversity and equity for all.


Diversity has long been recognized as a valuable asset in both society and the workplace. However, it is essential to address and dispel old myths and misconceptions surrounding diversity. By doing so, we can pave the way for a future where unity and collaboration thrive, leveraging the true potential of diversity dividends.

I. The Myths of Diversity

  1. Myth 1: Diversity is a Zero-Sum Game

One common misconception is that promoting diversity means taking opportunities away from one group to benefit another. This myth suggests that in a diverse environment, one group’s gain is another’s loss. Diversity is not a zero-sum game. Diverse teams and societies can create win-win situations where everyone benefits.

Studies have shown that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones in various aspects. When people from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences come together, they bring a broader range of perspectives and ideas. This diversity can lead to more creative problem-solving, innovative solutions, and improved decision-making, benefiting all involved.

  1. Myth 2: Diversity Lowers Quality and Performance

Another misconception is that diversity compromises quality and performance. Some argue that by focusing on diversity, organizations and institutions may lower their standards to meet quotas. However, research has repeatedly demonstrated that diversity actually enhances quality and performance.

Diverse teams are more likely to consider a broader range of viewpoints, leading to more thorough and well-rounded solutions. Additionally, diversity can boost employee morale, creativity, and motivation, all of which contribute to improved performance. By dispelling this myth, we can encourage organizations to embrace diversity and reap the associated dividends.

  1. Myth 3: Diversity Leads to Conflict

A common concern is that diversity in the workplace or society leads to increased conflict and tension. While it is true that diverse groups may encounter disagreements, these conflicts are not inherently negative. In fact, they can be catalysts for growth and innovation.

When managed effectively, diverse teams can harness the energy generated by these conflicts to find better solutions and develop stronger relationships. Organizations and societies must shift their perspective from avoiding conflict to embracing constructive, respectful dialogue as a means of achieving unity and collaboration.

II. The Benefits of Diversity

  1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

Diversity fosters creativity and innovation by exposing individuals to different ideas, perspectives, and experiences. When people from diverse backgrounds collaborate, they bring together a wealth of knowledge and insights, sparking new ideas and approaches. This diversity of thought can lead to breakthrough innovations that benefit society as a whole.

  1. Improved Problem-Solving

Diverse teams are better equipped to tackle complex problems. They approach challenges from various angles and can identify solutions that a homogeneous group might overlook. Diverse perspectives encourage critical thinking and lead to more comprehensive problem-solving, resulting in better outcomes.

  1. Increased Market Competitiveness

In today’s globalized world, diversity is not just a matter of social responsibility; it also makes good business sense. Companies that embrace diversity are better equipped to understand and cater to diverse consumer markets. Diverse teams can more effectively design products, services, and marketing strategies that resonate with a broad range of customers, ultimately increasing market competitiveness.

  1. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Employees who work in diverse and inclusive environments tend to be more satisfied and engaged. They feel valued and respected for their unique contributions, which leads to higher job satisfaction and increased loyalty to their organization. This, in turn, reduces turnover rates and associated costs.

  1. Better Decision-Making

Diverse groups make better decisions. By considering a variety of viewpoints and challenging assumptions, diverse teams arrive at more well-informed and balanced decisions. This is particularly important in leadership and governance, where diverse perspectives can lead to more equitable policies and practices.

III. Building a New Future of Unity and Collaboration

To harness the full potential of diversity dividends and build a future of unity and collaboration, we must take concrete steps:

  1. Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness about the benefits of diversity and the dispelling of myths. Organizations and institutions should invest in diversity training programs that foster understanding and appreciation of differences.
  2. Inclusive Policies and Practices: Implement inclusive policies and practices that create a welcoming and equitable environment for all. This includes fair hiring and promotion practices, accessible facilities, and equal opportunities for advancement. Businesses should not wait for a conflict to arise before implementing policies and practices of equity at workplace.
  3. Diverse Leadership: Encourage diverse representation at all levels of leadership. Diverse leadership teams provide role models and set the tone for inclusivity throughout an organization.
  4. Open and Respectful Dialogue: Foster open and respectful dialogue to address conflicts and differences constructively. Encourage a culture of active listening, empathy, and compromise to find common ground.
  5. Community Engagement: Engage with diverse communities and stakeholders to understand their unique needs and perspectives. Collaboration with external groups can lead to more inclusive policies and initiatives. Canada will be accepting over 500,000 newcomers this year alone. Imagine your new business potential over the next ten to twenty years. At the same time, over one trillion dollars is being passed on to the next generation. Do we know who these people are? Do we understand what their religious and cultural views are on legacy planning? There is potentially an unlimited source of new business to the well-informed businesses.
  6. Measuring Progress: Establish metrics to measure diversity and inclusion progress within organizations and societies. Regularly assess the impact of diversity initiatives and adjust strategies accordingly. Progressive societies like Canada evolves, grows and advances with time. What was acceptable 10 years ago is now frowned upon. Develop your own tools and establish your own metrics to stay ahead for the curve; not just for social media purposes, but for real!


Diversity dividends are real, but old myths and misconceptions have hindered our progress in realizing their full potential. By dispelling these myths and embracing diversity, we can build a future characterized by unity and collaboration. The benefits of diversity are not limited to any one group; they enrich us all. It is time to recognize that diversity is an asset, not a liability, and work together to harness its power for a brighter future. Let’s start earning Diversity Dividends

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