Janielle Bertrand, Senior Vice President Marketing, Nvision360

Janielle Bertrand is a seasoned marketing executive, skilled designer, and visionary thinker with over three decades of experience in transforming companies through strategic and creative solutions. Since the late 90’s, she has steered major corporate rebrands and integrated cutting-edge sales enablement strategies that have fundamentally boosted market presence and revenue. Having spent over 25 years at one of the largest global event companies, she made a shift to Nvision360 in 2024. She brings with her a conscious leadership style and high-level management approach to devise strategic solutions across a broad spectrum of marketing and commercial initiatives for the growing organization.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with CXO Outlook Magazine, Janielle shared her professional trajectory, insights on diversity and inclusion in the marketing landscape, the secret sauce behind her success, future plans, pearls of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Hi Janielle. What inspired you to pursue a career in marketing?

My initial interest in marketing started unexpectedly. The original game plan was to be a physical therapist, but like life, that path was interrupted when I got a nontraditional introduction to the “craft” and found my true passion lay not in performing the therapies, but in communicating their benefits. I discovered a deep fulfillment in crafting messages that highlighted the positive impact of the treatments and innovations. I thrived in connecting with likeminded people, shaping brand narratives, and driving engagement in a way that truly excited me.

How did you get your start in this industry?

While living in LA and working as a Physical Therapist, I was approached by a couple who wanted to take their nutrition company to the next level, and to this day, I still have no idea why they chose me 😊. I signed on to the task with no official training, but an intense belief in the brand and an inherent knack for story-telling that drew in audiences and changed business outcomes. If I had only known, then what an adventure it would turn into…The company did get to the next level and beyond and I was living my authentic self in the career I never knew I always wanted. Fast forward to 1999 when I joined a fast-growing production company in Las Vegas. I wore many hats in the small organization but truly felt alive wearing the marketing one. Throughout my 25 years with what is now one of the largest event production organizations in the world, I gained an enormous amount of experience in various marketing roles and titles that proved invaluable in my quest to transform organizations.

What do you love the most about your current role?

A profound sense of purpose and the opportunity to drive real transformation within a company I believe in. After experiencing extreme burnout in a large corporate environment, where the focus was often on capturing market share, I am energized by the opportunity to return to my marketing roots. Today I channel my creativity and strategic thinking into making a significant impact!  The challenge of working with limited resources but boundless purpose is incredibly fulfilling. It allows me freedom to craft meaningful targeted strategies. Seeing the tangible results of these efforts is immensely rewarding.

How do you approach the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and emerging technologies such as AI?

I approach the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing and emerging technologies like AI with a fresh outlook and open eyes.  Embracing change rather than resisting it allows me to stay ahead of the curve and harness new tools effectively. I continuously seek new insights and understanding of these technologies while integrating them into our strategies for additional enhancements to drive growth. I actively seek new talent whose skills can fast track me on the latest options ensuring we stay at the forefront of innovation. I view these advancements as opportunities to evolve our approaches and create more impactful, data-driven marketing initiatives. This proactive approach helps me leverage the latest trends to achieve our goals and maintain a competitive edge.

What are your thoughts on gender equality and inclusion?

Gender equality is certainly important to me; therefore, I strive to maintain a balanced and broad outlook on inclusivity. It is crucial to go beyond simply ensuring representation and focus on fostering a genuine sense of belonging. These are two distinct but interrelated goals: inclusivity involves creating spaces where all voices are heard and valued, while belonging ensures that everyone feels truly integrated and supported. By supporting both, we can build more equitable environments where people not only have equal opportunities but feel authentically connected and engaged.

Do you think there is a gender bias in your industry?

Yes, gender bias still exists in our industry. Although, I’ve witnessed significant progress over the past 30 years. One of the challenges we face is overcoming the belief of women that there are too few seats at the table, we need to empower each other to find the seats that do exist. I’ve been in situations where was included, but didn’t feel a true sense of belonging, even among other women leaders and peers. The struggle for gender equality is difficult enough on its own, and it’s crucial that we avoid letting the perception of limited opportunities undermine our collective efforts. Instead, we should focus on expanding the bench, supporting one another, and creating an environment where everyone feels truly valued and integrated.

You were recently recognized as one of The Top 50 Women Leaders of Nevada for 2024. Our readers would love to know the secret mantra behind your success.

The secret mantra behind my success really depends on how success is defined. If it’s about reaching a certain level or title, that’s not where my focus lies. For me, success in leadership is not being in charge, it is driven by a deep sense of purpose and creating meaningful impact for others. My number one guiding principle is empathy. I believe in fully engaging with people by using all five senses: seeing them for who they are, hearing and listening to their needs, taking time to savor the journey, touching on what matters, and helping them experience the rewarding fruits of their labor. Building lasting connections at every level of an organization and fostering a supportive environment where everyone feels valued is where I find true success.

Is there a particular person you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are?

There are so many people and experiences across decades that it’s hard to narrow it down to just one or even five. I’m grateful for a myriad of experiences and the individuals I’ve encountered along the way. Even those not-so-great moments, as they taught me valuable lessons about actions and behaviors I want to avoid. I’ve been fortunate to work with some incredible marketing leaders and colleagues, both men and women, who have shaped my journey. While it might sound mundane, I owe a tremendous amount to my husband and two sons. Their unwavering support and daily encouragement has been like having a full-time cheering squad providing me the confidence to take risks and push forward in my career.

What does the term “authentic leadership” mean to you?

“Authentic leadership” is right there in the definition of the words themselves. Authenticity is about being genuine and true to oneself, and leadership is about guiding and inspiring others. I’m able to spot leaders who are merely “bosses”, those in it for themselves. Leaders in power might be able to maintain a facade for a while, but eventually, their lack of authenticity will reveal itself. Leading with authenticity means being transparent and committed to more than just personal gain or immediate success. It involves dedicating oneself to fostering a positive culture and guiding your team toward their greatest outcome.

What are some of your passions outside of work? What do you like to do in your time off?

My passion and joy are my family!  As a working mom for the past 25 years, I’ve made it a priority to have uninterrupted quality time with my sons. Now that they are older and need me less, I’ve had to enforce boundaries so that I disconnect from work. To recharge, I love going on long hikes into areas with no cell service—it’s incredibly refreshing and invigorates my creativity. I also enjoy spontaneous activities like taking unplanned drives with my husband, just seeing where the road takes us. Nature and the mountains are my sanctuary; they offer a perfect escape and a chance to truly unwind.

What is your biggest goal? Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

In this next chapter of my life I am embracing a new approach, I don’t limit myself to a fixed vision of where I see myself at a certain period. I’ve learned that sticking to rigid plans or predefined goals can sometimes keep me in the same spot for too long and blind me to unplanned opportunities. My biggest goal now is to keep pursuing what I love, working for a company that values and supports my passions, and driving successful outcomes with enthusiasm and purpose. Instead of focusing on a specific endpoint, I’m committed to staying adaptable and open to new possibilities as they arise, allowing my journey to evolve organically.

What advice would you give to somebody who is considering entering the field of marketing or has just entered the field?

My advice for someone entering the field of marketing is to find a mentor/ coach who recognizes their talent rather than just their experience. A good leader will give someone time to gain experience, but a great leader will see the potential and help drive them forward in innovative ways. Choose teams that value ideas from all levels of experience and, more importantly, foster an environment where each voice is heard. One of my biggest rules in marketing is to always “listen”—if you’re on a team where this isn’t happening, seek out a different team where you can contribute. Remember, we enter marketing to create impactful moments and memories, and the team you align with can either nurture or stifle that creative drive. If you can, select products, companies, and brands that you genuinely believe in. Belief is a powerful force in driving marketing success.

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