Mar Benavent Mas, Founder and CEO of Loved Brands

Mar Benavent Mas is the Founder and CEO of Loved Brands, a creative marketing agency renowned for empowering wellness and lifestyle brands to thrive in competitive markets. With over a decade of experience in branding and marketing, Mar has transformed brand narratives for a diverse range of clients, enabling them to build authentic connections with their audiences. Driven by a passion for creativity and a deep understanding of human psychology, Mar’s vision is to redefine the intersection of marketing and meaningful connections, driving sustained success for her clients and leaving a lasting impact on the world.


In a world overflowing with distractions and competing priorities, the ability for brands to forge authentic relationships with their audience has become more crucial than ever. As the Founder and Brand Strategist of Loved Brands, a creative marketing agency specialising in wellness and lifestyle brands, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of connecting brands with consumers in a way that resonates with their core values and aspirations.

My journey in the world of branding began over a decade ago in Valencia, Spain. Fueled by a passion for creativity and a deep understanding of human psychology, I embarked on a path that would lead me to empower countless businesses to thrive through the power of meaningful connections. Witnessing a world often focused on transactions and short-term gains, I felt a burning desire to create something different, something to fight against boredom and unfulfillment. This led me to found Loved Brands, a creative marketing agency dedicated to redefining how brands connect with their audiences. Driven by a passion for forging lasting, meaningful relationships, our agency has quickly become a trusted partner for brands seeking to make a genuine impact in today’s competitive marketplace.

At Loved Brands, we understand that today’s consumers are seeking more than just products and services; they crave experiences and relationships that enrich their lives. They want to feel understood and valued. This profound shift in consumer behaviour has been the driving force behind our unique approach, one that combines the art of storytelling with the science of neuromarketing.

We believe that understanding the consumer journey is paramount. Today, consumers are not merely passive recipients of marketing messages; they are active participants in a dynamic and evolving narrative. They seek brands that align with their values, aspirations, and lifestyles. By investing time and effort in understanding their target audience, not just demographics but also psychographics—their interests, emotions, and motivations—brands can create authentic narratives that truly engage consumers.

Purpose-driven branding lies at the heart of our philosophy. In an oversaturated marketplace, brands with a clear mission and values stand out from the crowd. They evoke an emotional response that fosters loyalty and advocacy. At Loved Brands, we guide our clients on a journey of self-discovery, helping them identify their core purpose and weave it into every aspect of their brand identity. This not only helps them attract the right customers but also empowers them to make a positive impact on the world.

Neuroscientific insights have proven to be a game-changer in our approach. By leveraging the principles of neuromarketing, we gain a deeper understanding of the emotional triggers that influence purchasing decisions. We help brands craft compelling stories that resonate on a subconscious level, creating a lasting impression that transcends traditional marketing efforts.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the power of digital media. Today’s digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities for brands to engage with consumers on various platforms. From social media to email marketing, we empower our clients to tailor their communication, fostering genuine interaction and building thriving communities around their brands. We believe that followers can become passionate brand advocates, amplifying brand messages far beyond traditional marketing efforts.

The rise of AI and automation presents new challenges for brands striving to maintain authenticity. In an era where messages can be generated in seconds, the human touch is more vital than ever. As brands, it is our responsibility to be transparent and honest in our communication, ensuring that every interaction fosters trust and builds genuine connections. By embracing their uniqueness and injecting genuine emotion into their communications, brands not only stand out in a crowded market but also form meaningful connections that resonate with their audiences.

In today’s noisy world, consumers are bombarded with countless marketing messages. Cutting through the clutter requires more than clever advertising. It demands a genuine connection— one built on trust, shared values, and a deep understanding of customer needs and desires. By prioritising authenticity and embracing purpose-driven branding, how are you creating loyal followings that go beyond mere transactions? This is the essence of what we strive for at Loved Brands—helping businesses forge relationships that last a lifetime.

As Loved Brands continues to grow and evolve, we’re thrilled to announce our recent expansion to Monaco. This strategic move allows us to deepen our presence in key European markets while still operating from our London headquarters. Offering our exclusive services to the world’s most prestigious brands, Monaco aligns perfectly with our vision of empowering businesses to achieve remarkable growth and impact.

I believe that every business transaction has the potential to add value to customers’ lives and communities. That’s why at Loved Brands, we are focused on being more than just a marketing agency; we are catalysts for positive change. Our mission is to empower one million lifestyle brands to thrive through meaningful connections, driving remarkable growth and impact. We’re not just helping brands be seen; we’re helping them be truly loved.

The road ahead is filled with exciting possibilities. We envision a world where brands thrive by fostering genuine connections that go beyond transactions. The narrative of connection—a story that bridges the gap between brands and consumers—will shape the success of companies in ways we can only begin to imagine.

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